Non Removable prosthesis
Prosthetics is a multi-phase and complex process, but in spite of it, in all its phases, the patient will need to communicate and to eat freely.This is only possible with the help of temporary prosthetics.Temporary prosthetics of teeth representsdesigns which the patient uses during theentire period of treatment.Such are the temporary Crown and bridge constructions.Advantage of such designs that they keepa natural anatomic shape of tooth, its colorand also a shape of a gum that is extremely important in prosthetics not onlyfrom esthetic part, but also fromfunctional. They are made of plastic or composite. These are convenient and estheticmaterials therefore externally such designsdon’t concede to constants.
- removable temporary dentures
- fixed temporary dentures
- cold polymerization
- hot polymerization
- by CAD / CAM technology
Depending on the size of the primary treatment, temporary structures can be used from 5 days up to one year.